Upcoming Workshops: List View
Promoting Imagination & Creativity in a Media-Saturated World
Kym Stewart
Time: 6:30pm - 8:30pm | Location: Online | 17 spaces remaining
Our current circumstances have made parents and educators rely on more screen time to educate and entertain young children. But how do we find balance to promote creativity, imagination, and engagement in this screen-dependent world? This workshop will examine current research on the impact of screen time on young children’s development, creativity, and engagement. It will also provide educators with resources to enhance young children’s imaginative capacities via curriculum initiatives seen in the education frameworks of imaginative education.
View Workshop DetailsAlert Emergency Childcare First Aid CPR/AED - Level C
Alert Facilitator
Time: 8:30am - 4:30pm | Location: Archway Community Services ( Jasbir Saran Room ) | 1 space remaining
This fun and interactive 8 hour course trains people how to react and improvise when dealing with life threatening emergencies. This course includes initial assessment, disease prevention, secondary survey, airway obstruction, adult, child and infant CPR and AED (level C). Recognition and first-aid treatment for head and spine injuries, shock, burns, bleeding, seizures, broken bones, anaphylactic shock, small wound management, poisoning, heat exhaustion and heat stroke will also be addressed. Participants spend the majority of the course doing hands on first-aid and participating in first-aid scenarios. By practicing with scenarios students gain confidence, learn to improvise, and react in emergency situations. This course meets Child Licensing guidelines.
View Workshop DetailsChild Care Start-Up Information Session
Wanda Cole & Christine Kopp
Time: 5:15pm - 6:30pm | Location: Child Care Resource & Referral | 3 spaces remaining
Are you interested in opening your own child care centre and not sure where to start?
Join our CCRR consultants for a 1.5 hour information session that will provide you the beginning steps of starting and opening your in-home or commercial setting child care centre.
View Workshop DetailsThe Big 3
Katy Bigsby
Time: 6:30pm - 8:30pm | Location: Online | 20 spaces remaining
In this session learn about:
· How the everyday behaviors of not listening, not participating and rude behavior can be the most challenging
· Strategies to support listening and participation through creative engagement
· The importance of rapport and clear guidelines
· Relevant case scenarios as brought forward by participants. For more information visit www.REiLlearning.com
View Workshop DetailsCoaching Leaders
Stacey Walker & Tracie Bourgeois
Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm | Location: Archway Community Services ( Jasbir Saran Room ) | 18 spaces remaining
If you want to lead with confidence; create change and improve the quality of your program; and enhance relationships with your families then Coaching Leaders workshop is for you!
Come and join our licensing officers in the Coaching Leaders modules- Complaint and Communication.
View Workshop DetailsSpeech, Language and Communication in the Preschool Years
Shari Linde
Time: 6:30pm - 8:30pm | Location: Online | 19 spaces remaining
Participants will gain information on specific communication challenges, and strategies to use within their own educational settings. Specific emphasis will be placed on the following: speech and language milestones, disorders of the voice, stuttering, augmentative and alternative communication, feeding and swallowing, bilingual and multilingual language development, specific strategies to facilitate communication.
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